
giovedì 3 gennaio 2013

Fairy Mia

Ciao a tutti Mo's fans, buon anno!
Hello Everybody Mo's fans, happy new year!


Eccomi qua per la prima sfida dell’anno al  Mo's Challenge blog; come ogni prima settimana del mese, il tema che vi proponiamo oggi è “Anything goes”, quindi vi aspettiamo numerosi!!!
Here I’m today for the first challenge of the new year at Mo's Challenge blog ; as any first week of the month, the theme to follow is “Anything goes”, we wait you in a great number!

Oggi vi propongo questa deliziosa fatina, mooolto magrolina, non facilissima da colorare in certe parti, dato gli spazi ristretti :)
Today i show you this lovely fairy, veeeery thin, not so easy to colouring up in some parts due to the small spaces :)

♥♥♥ suo nome è “Teen Fairy Mia” e potete trovarla qui nello shop :) 
...her name is  Teen Fairy Mia” and you can find her  here at the shop :)

Come sempre in palio per voi, cè un buono da 5 $ ogni 25 partecipanti :)
As always,  Mo is giving away one $5.00 voucher at her online stores for every 25 entries :)


Arrivederci a presto!
Speak soon!!

 ♥Card Recipe ♥

- Stamps: MoManning "Teen Fairy Mia”, Sentiment from "Tecnique Tuesday";
- Medium: Copics: Skin: E0000-E000-E00-E11-E21-R20-R00-R000 (for cheecks);
                            Hair: E21-E25-E29-E49;
                            Dress: BG000-BG01-BG05-Y0000-RV000-R10-R38;
                            Wings: BG000-Y0000-RV000;
                            Trousers/Socks: Y000-Y11-Y15-Y23;
- Tools: Big Shot, GoKreate "Large Frame Frilly #7”, Sewing machine;
- Other: Perfect colouring paper, Maja Design and Pion Design Patterned Papers, Vintage Ribbon and Cheesecloth from "Live and Love Crafts", Roses from "Wild Orchid Crafts".

18 commenti:

  1. hahaha, yeah she should eat a bit more cakes, I could bake her one or two :o) but you have managed to shade the thin parts perfectly! It's a wonderful card, lovely!
    Hugs, Alessandra

  2. FANTASTICA COME SEMPRE!! sei unica nella colorazione Buon anno carissima un abbraccio!

  3. la tua colorazione rende ogni timbro stupendo. la card è davvero super romantica!

  4. This is just stunning my sweet DT sister. What a way to start the New Year, I can't wait to see what you come up with the rest of the year.


  5. Ciao Francy, questa card è meravigliosa e per la colorazione be'.. che dire...strepitosa. Questa fatina è bellissima e adoro tantissimo gli abbellimenti che hai usato.
    Auguro a te e alla tua famiglia un 2013 strepitoso.
    A presto da Francy

  6. Carina questa fatina! Bellissima card per iniziare l'anno nuovo :)

  7. Goooorgeous my lovely Franz! The shape of this card is so pretty....I really want this die! Beautiful colouring as make the more gorgeous cards :) Hope you had a merry christmas/happy new year xx

  8. Ciao Francesca,
    Tua card e fantastica-brava
    Grazie per tuo commento sul mio blog
    Tamara da sLOVEnija

  9. Beautiful card Franz - Happy New Year my friend.

  10. Beautiful Franz, love your coloring and colors. Your embellishments are perfect too.

  11. First of all: HAPPY NEW YEAR, Franz!
    I hope, you've enjoyed the last days and had a good start into 2013.
    Your card is absolutely beautiful - love the shapes and your perfect coloring.
    Hugs, Anja

  12. Small spaces or not you did an amazing coloring job, but then again, I expected no less. :-) I love the fun shape too. Hugs!

  13. What ever you create, it's always a dream, hun! Your first Mo card of the year is as fantastic as it can be. Love those bright and fun colors - perfect to blow away the winter blues!
    Big hug, Anja

  14. She IS thin, isn't she?! I love this card...and, as always, your coloring and designwork are purely stunning!! Happy New Year, sugar!! Hugs. Pat

  15. Hi, Franz
    Thanks so much for the sweet words. I am feeling a little better. Anyways I just love your card. It is just stunning!!! Love the way you do hair. Girl. I am still working on that.


  16. Hey sweetie and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!
    I simply adore this beauty; it's a perfect card!!! Loev the shape and the colors and your breathtaking coloring!
    Big hugs, Iulia

  17. Yeah I totally agree with ALessandra, this fairy ought to eat more cakes, so she gets some flesh on her bones! Beautiful shape and LO.

