
martedì 12 marzo 2013

Cute and Cuddly at Deep Ocean

Buonasera a tutti!
Good Evening everybody!


Driin Driin! Nuovo challenge al Deep Ocean
O mamma mia, è il numero 47, certo che il tempo vola davvero....
 Driin Driin! It's time for a new challenge at Deep Ocean!
 Omg, it's the number 47, the time flies so fast!
Il nuovo tema che vi proponiamo di affrontare è
 The new time we propose you to face is
"Cute and Cuddly"
Carini e coccolosi!


Live and Love Crafts è il nostro sponsor:
Live and Love Crafts is our sponsor today:

If the words vintage and shabby chic makes your heart beat faster, you will find your haven at Live & Love Crafts!
Live & Love Crafts is a UK based online store that ships WORLDWIDE. The store is owned and operated by Sandra Mathis, a crafter who is as passionate about the vintage style as she is about customer service and providing a good shopping experience. Live & Love Crafts prides itself on having a website that is easy to navigate with excellent product images. Orders are dispatched fast; usually on the same day received.
Live & Love Crafts stocks a wide range of products from well-loved vintage brands such as Pion Design, Maja Design, Riddersholm Design, Kort & Godt, Magnolia, Prima, Melissa Frances, Maya Road, and the Tim Holtz/Ranger product lines.
The store has a vast selection of laces, ribbons and trims, an assortment of close to 200 charms and metal decorations, as well as many other unique embellishments that you can't find elsewhere. To help you save on costs, the charms/metal decos can be purchased singularly and all trims and ribbons are sold by the yard/meter. If you’re looking for products that will inspire and a one stop paper & embellishment shop, look no further than Live & Love Crafts


e questo è il meraviglioso premio che avete la possibilità di vincere:
and this is the fab prize you can win:



Ed ecco qua  la mia card carina e coccolosa:
And here is my cute and cuddly card:

Ecco il dettaglio della farfallina, ho usato un materiale tutto nuovo, il Frantage, per dargli un look Vintage:
This is a close up to the butterfly charm, i used some Frantage to give it a vintage look:

...e una visione laterale:
...and a side view:

Se volete avere qualche informazione in più su questo progetto, andate qua a leggere il mio post a riguardo sul Copic Marker Europe Blog, troverete anche l’intera lista dei copics che ho utilizzato per colorare questi graziosi "Lili of the Valley"!
If you want more infos about this project, have a look here at the Copic Marker Europe Blog and read my post, you’ll also find the list of Copics I’ve used to colouring up these lovely "Lili of the Valley".


 Scappo...a prestissimo!
I've to go...Speak soon!

15 commenti:

  1. So so so pretty sweetie...
    I'm so sorry, completely forgot what day it was with everything going on...I spoke to alby as I was scared I was in trouble... AGAIN!! Lol
    This are just starting to get back to normal her, thanks for the patients xx

  2. Super Carina e coccolosa!!!... il Frantage (come la nuova carta Doobeepops) mi piace un sacco!!! Sono quelle novità che come escono, le metteresti dappertutto! pure nel caffèlatte! ;p
    Bravissima Franz!

  3. Sempre bravissima,splendido lavoro:-)
    Ciao,buona serata!

  4. Absolutely STUNNING Franz, Your style is beautiful
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  5. Adorabile! Ogni particolare è bello e tenero :)

  6. wow wow wow!! this one is just lovely!! that image is super cute and i love your colouring and design. great work!! hugs, tess.

  7. Beautiful stunning card,such pretty colours xxx

  8. Grazie infinite cara!... Sei stata chiarissima come l'acqua cristallina!!! ;)
    Crepi il lupo ( non importa come, basta che crepi! )
    Alla prox

  9. ciao bella!
    OMG.. i missed an other challenge!
    i am so so sorry.
    your card is absolutely beautiful dear Franz. I love how you color so bright!! totally stunning

    how is your litle Camilla doing?
    our kids are better

  10. Fabulous card, Franz! Can't take my eyes off your coloring! Just amazing! Glad those peeps at LOTV chose your card among the best, although you definitely deserve a DT spot too:)
    Great shape and embellishing here too!
    Hugs, Iulia

  11. che amore.. come sempre bellissima...
    ciao silvia

  12. This is gorgeous Franz! Amazing coloring sweetie, love the rich vibrant colors!
    Silvie xx

  13. Spettacolare il tuo uso dei Copics! Resto a bocca aperta ogni volta che vedo i tuoi lavori, ma il vestito del ragazzino con il mazzo di fiori è stupefacente!



  14. Gorgeous card, I could do with some more of that frantage stuff, it's really cool, isn't it?!

