
martedì 7 maggio 2013

Deep Ocean and Copic Marker Europe: Forget Me Not!

Buonasera a tutti!
Good Evening everybody!


Stasera posto la mia ultima card realizzata per il Copic Marker Europe Blog e per il nostro nuovo challenge al  Deep Ocean.
 This evening I post a card I realized for Copic Marker Europe Blog and for our new challenge at Deep Ocean!


Il tema che vi proponiamo questa sera è
The theme we propose this evening is


mentre questo è il nostro fantastico sponsor
and this is our lovely sponsor


ed ecco qua il prezioso voucher messo in palio
and here is the precious voucher you could win



Insomma, alla fine, ecco qua la mia card:
Well, at the end here is my card:

Una zoomata sulla dolcissima Gorjuss Girl colorata con i Copics
A Close Up to the sweatest Gorjuss Girl coloured with Copics

Ed ora sono sicura che vi starete chiedendo: "Ma dov'è lo sparkle??!!"
And now I'm sure you're wondering: "But, where is the sparkle??!!!"

Bè ho aggiunto questi begli angolini Make if Crafty embossati con il Frantage e qualche piccolo strass qua e là...
Well, I added these lovely Make It Crafty Corners embossed with Frantage and some little strasses here and there...

Qui un dettaglio dei die-cuts Magnolia "So Wrapped Lovely":
Here a detail of the Magnolia die cuts "So Wrapped Lovely":
E per finire...visione laterale!
And at the end...side view!

Se volete avere qualche informazione in più su questo progetto, andate qua a leggere il mio post a riguardo sul Copic Marker Europe Blog, troverete anche l’intera lista dei copics che ho utilizzato :)
If you want more infos about this project, have a look here at the Copic Marker Europe Blog and read my post, you’ll also find the list of Copics I’ve used :)


 Scappo...a prestissimo!
I've to go...Speak soon!

9 commenti:

  1. This is beautiful Franz. The image is adorable and beautifully coloured. Love the colour combo and gorgeous embellishments.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  2. Hey there my sweet friend!! I love this card...what delicious colors!! And your card design is fabulous!! And...your coloring...what can I say? It's absolutely stunning!! I need to come to Italy and take some coloring lessons from you!! You're amazing!! Hugs. Pat Frank

  3. HI Franz!! My gosh good gracious .. look at this! Wowwweee! Everything is AMAZING! And your colouring .. sigh .. BREATHTAKINGLY GORGEOUS! I so love this!!

    Thank you ever so much for having me with you lovely girls on DOC .. it's been such an honour for me!!! :)

    Sending big Hugs!

  4. This card is so wonderful!


  5. What a beautiful card Franz - love it.

  6. Deliziosa!!! ^_^
    Adoro i timbri Gorjuss!!!
    Vale ;)

  7. Wow!!! Your colouring is soooo stunning!! your card is gorgeous and I love all the details!!
    I always drool over your colouring! :-)
    Thanks for sharing and inspiring!
    (I've got a lot more practicing to do to try to achieve the same level of your artwork, sigh)
    Bye from the Netherlands,


  8. Bellissimo lavoro, dolce e ricco

  9. Your card is gorgoeus Franz, love these gorjuss girls - which is so beautiful colored!
    Have a nice day!
    Hugs Kjersti:)
