Buonasera a tutti!
Good Evening everybody!
Challenge tutto nuovo stasera al Deep Ocean challenge blog!
Brand new challenge this evening at Deep Ocean blog!
Brand new challenge this evening at Deep Ocean blog!
Il nostro tema per i prossimi quindici giorni è
Our theme for next two weeks is
Our theme for next two weeks is
"Flowers and Fantasy"
insomma, vi basterà aggiungere qualche fiorellino alla vostra creazione e partecipare per avere la possibilità di vincere il fantastico premio messo in palio da
well, you only have to add some flowers to your creation and enter your card to have the chance to win the fab prize kindly offered by
Live & Love Crafts is a UK based online store that ships WORLDWIDE. The store is owned and operated by Sandra Mathis, a crafter who is as passionate about the vintage style as she is about customer service and providing a good shopping experience. Live & Love Crafts prides itself on having a website that is easy to navigate with excellent product images. Orders are dispatched fast; usually on the same day received.
Live & Love Crafts stocks a wide range of products from well-loved vintage brands such as Pion Design, Maja Design, Riddersholm Design, Kort & Godt, Magnolia, Prima, Melissa Frances, Maya Road, and the Tim Holtz/Ranger product lines.
The store has a vast selection of laces, ribbons and trims, an assortment of close to 200 charms and metal decorations, as well as many other unique embellishments that you can't find elsewhere. To help you save on costs, the charms/metal decos can be purchased singularly and all trims and ribbons are sold by the yard/meter. If you’re looking for products that will inspire and a one stop paper & embellishment shop, look no further than Live & Love Crafts
eccolo qui:
here it is:

E questa è la mia interpretazione, una tag per cambiare un po'...
And this is my take on, a tag, just to change a little...
And this is my take on, a tag, just to change a little...
Ho scelto un'immagine della Ticklet Pink chiamata "Lolita Aphrodite Willow", mi è piaciuto molto il suo vestito e colorarla è stato uno spasso!
I've chosen a Ticklet Pink image this time called "Lolita Aphrodite Willow", i especially loved her dress and colouring her has been a pleasure!
Ho usato il Frantage di nuovo, mi piace molto il look shabby e brillante che dona ai lavori, guardate un po' queste letterine:
I used some Frantage again, love the shabby and brillant look it gives, have a look at these letters:
...e qui sulle farfalle ho usato del Cracklé Accents:
...and here on butterflies, some Cracklé Accents:
forse ne ha cambiato un po' il colore, ma l'effetto, soprattutto dal vivo, mi piace molto!
may be it changed a little their colour, but i love the effect!
Le bellissime carte sono della Pion Design, potete trovarle proprio dando un'occhiata al bellissimo shop che è nostro sponsor, esattamente qui!
The wonderful papers are from Pion Design, you can find them having a look around Live and Love Crafts shop, exactly here!
Molti dei nastri, pizzi e fiori che ho utilizzato provengono da un altro favoloso shop, The Ribbon Girl:
Most of ribbons, laces and flowers i used are from another fab shop, The Ribbon Girl:
Se volete avere qualche informazione in più su questo progetto, andate qua a leggere il mio post a riguardo sul Copic Marker Europe Blog, troverete anche l’intera lista dei copics che ho utilizzato :)
If you want more infos about this project, have a look here at the Copic Marker Europe Blog and read my post, you’ll also find the list of Copics I’ve used :)
Scappo...a prestissimo!
I've to go...Speak soon!
I've to go...Speak soon!
7 commenti :
Bellissima Franz!!! *_*
La tua Tag fa scoccare il tempo della Primavera!
Adoro il frantage, l'effetto è incantevole!!!...
Peccato non ci siano ancora siti italiani che lo abbiano!...
Alla prox
Vale ;)
Oh Franz, I love everything about this gorgeous tag! It's so beautiful and elegant and the details are fantastic - love the butterflies! You've coloured your image to absolute perfection too, the folds in her dress are just amazing!
have a nice day,
Totally stunning, beautiful colouring and amazing detail with your embellies - terrific, Jo x
ciao Francesca, favolosa anche questa card!!!...BRAVISSSSIMA!!!
martina gaia e monica
Questa tag è super...esattamente come te!
Perfect! I love image, coloring, yummy embalishment!
That's really beautyfull!!!
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