Una nuova sfida è appena partita al Deep Ocean Challenge Blog!
A brand new challenge has just gone live at Deep Ocean Challenge Blog!
Il tema da seguire per le prossime due settimane è:
The theme to follow for the next two weeks is:
che significa "forme strane" :)
Io forse ho interpretato il tema un po' a modo mio e questo è il mio lavoro:
Maybe I interpreted it in my own way, but this is the result:
Ho aggiunto cerchi e triangoli qua e là, ma la vera "forma strana" la trovate nella foto!!!
Che bei ricordi, sono già passati sette anni...è proprio vero che il tempo vola!
I added circles and triangles here and there, but the true "odd shape" is on the photo!!!
What wonderful memories, seven years ago...really we can say that time flies!
Prima di lasciarvi, vi ricordo che
Before leaving, I'd like to remind you that
If the words vintage and shabby chic makes your heart beat faster, you will find your haven at Live & Love Crafts!
Live & Love Crafts is a UK based online store that ships WORLDWIDE. The store is owned and operated by Sandra Mathis, a crafter who is as passionate about the vintage style as she is about customer service and providing a good shopping experience. Live & Love Crafts prides itself on having a website that is easy to navigate with excellent product images. Orders are dispatched fast; usually on the same day received.
Live & Love Crafts stocks a wide range of products from well-loved vintage brands such as Maja Design, Pion Design, Magnolia, Wild Orchid Crafts, Kort & Godt, Prima, Melissa Frances, Maya Road, and the Tim Holtz/Ranger product lines.
The store has a vast selection of laces, ribbons and trims, an assortment of over 200 charms and metal decorations, as well as many other unique embellishments that you can't find elsewhere. To help you save on costs, the charms/metal decos can be purchased singularly and all trims and ribbons are sold by the yard/meter. If you’re looking for products that will inspire and a one stop paper & embellishment shop, look no further than Live & Love Crafts!
è il nostro affezionato sponsor anche questa quindicina...
is our loved sponsor this forthnight too....

se date un'occhiata alla biografia sotto al logo dello shop, vedrete che sono arrivati anche i fiori della Wild Orchid Crafts!
if you have look at the shop biography below the shop's logo, you can see that the Wild Orchid crafts flowers are now available at the shop!
Arrivederci a prestissimo ;)
Speak very soon ;)
7 commenti :
Complimenti sinceri!!
Questa pagina è ricca di significati e dolcissima!!!!!!!!!
Bellissimo lavoro!!
che MERAVIGLIA!!!...fantastico lavoro...complimenti!
Martina , Gaia e Monica
I looooove your layout and isn't it how you interpet the Theme! What a Stunning photo too! Yes and don't they grow so fast! Love it have a great week!
Hi Francesca,
OMGoodness what a gorgeous piece of art! I totally love your layout. The DP's are beautiful, the pic is one to remember for you & oh, I just love the whole thing :) Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs, Lisa.
P.S Would love for you to come, visit & like. Why not enter the DT Call? :)
Dreamtime Designs: www.etsy.com/shop/DreamtimeDesigns
Blog: http://dreamtimedesigns.blogspot.com.au (Blog Candy)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DreamtimeDesigns
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DreamtimeDsigns
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/LisaWDesigns
Dreamtime Designs Craft Challenge: http://dreamtimedesigns.blogspot.com.au (DT Call)
Che tenera questo lay out, veramente fine ed elegante!!
Hugs Blankina
Sweet and beautiful!
And a precious moment to treasure for always!
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