Ciao a tutti!
Hello everybody!
Volete un bello sketch per realizzare le vostre cards? Bene! Oggi ne abbiamo uno noi al Saturated Canary Challenge Blog! Lo ha disegnato per noi Maria Therese...
Do you want a lovely sketch to play with and create your cards? Well! We have a wonderful one at Saturated Canary Challenge Blog today! The lovely Maria Therese drawn it for all of us...

...e io l'ho interpretato così!
... and this is my take on!
(Image: Saturated Canary Hipster)
Mi sono divertita un sacco nella colorazione di questa Saturated Canary un po' hippie, soprattutto per quanto riguarda i capelli, se volete provare anche voi, la trovate qui nello shop on line :)
I had lot of fun colouring this lovely hippie Saturated Canary, especially about the hair, if you want to try you could find her here at SC on line shop :)
Scappo al lavoro che sono in ritardo, arrivederci a presto!
I run to work, it's soooo late today, goodbye everybody!
3 commenti :
Gorgeous coloring work Franz!
Beautiful as always Franz!!
XXX Heidy
Your Detail is Amazing! She is Awesome!
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