Buongiorno a chi passa di qua!
Good Morning to everyone is reading!
Oggi giochiamo di nuovo con l’alfabeto al Mo's Challenge blog e siamo arrivati alla lettera…”D”, D come Drum, Dye, ….
We play again with the alphabet at Mo's Challenge blog and we are arrived to the letter…”D”, D like Drum, Dye,…
Per me oggi “D” significa “Drum”, com lo strumento che sta suonando questo grazioso ragazzino:
Today for me “D” means “Drum” like the instrument that this lovely little boy is playing:
Questa immagine si chiama Shall I play for you e potete trovarla qui nello shop :)
This lovely little man is called Shall I play for you and you can find him here at the shop :)
Non perdete l’occasione di vincere, Mo mette in palio un buono da 5 $ ogni 25 partecipanti :)
Don’t miss the chance to win, Mo is giving away one $5.00 voucher at her online stores for every 25 entries :)
Grazie per essere passati di qua, buona giornata!
Thanks for stopping by, have a lovely day!

- Stamps: MoManning "", Sentiment and snoflakes from Magnolia;
- Medium: Copics: Skin: E0000-E000-E00-E11-E21-R20-R00-R000 (for cheecks);
Hair: E50-E53;
Jacket and Trousers: E00-E11-E33-E25-E29;
Scarf/glovesi/Socks/Patches: B0000-B00-B91;
Dog: E00-E11-E33;
-Other: Perfect colouring paper, My Mind’s EyePatterned Papers, Twine , Little gold bell.
16 commenti :
Oh wow...this card is sooooo cute and beautiful!! I love the image..of course ;) and your great colouring, but also the papers and the finish...just perfect!!!
This is so beautiful I love that image and the layout is so elegant. Caroline xxx
È carinissimo questo timbro e tu colori sempre divinamente... Un abbraccio, Laura
Voto: 10!! Mi piace tanto tanto, a partire dal timbro :)
Wow, such a gorgeous image and beautifully coloured. Love the backing papers also.
Hugs Sharon. x
What a stunning christmas card! LOVE IT!!!! Such a cute image!
Hugs, Laura
Hey there my sweet Franz!! First...I have to tell you, I received the most gorgeous goodies in the mail today...all the way from Italy!! Thank you so, soooo much!! Your cards are stunning on your blog, but I can say that they are even more amazing in real life! I have it placed in a prominent place in my studio so I can look at it when I am at my worktable!! Such inspiration...thank you again! Now...thie week's card...is gorgeous as well! I love the browns and blues!! And this, I have to admit, is my favorite of Mo's Christmas images!! Hugs. Pat Frank
molto bella questa card!! come sempre sei bravissima!! ;)
Well Franz, do you think our boys are marching to the same beat. hee hee Your coloring is just amazing. Hugs!
Franz, this is beautiful! I love your
unusual color choices, and the papers are perfect!
This is absolutely precious, Franz! Love the boy's cheeks and your coloring looks awesome! Also, love the distressed look!
Hugs, Iulia
Tu sei straordinaria!!
Questo timbro è spettacolare e il tuo modo di colorare è sempre più incredibilmente affascinante!!
un bacio grande
Io ho già vinto! Eh sì, perché questa card ora è a casa mia. Birbantella di una "Francesca aka Franz" (aka: meglio-conosciuta-come-una-che-ti-fa-di-queste-sorprese!!!!). Ed io adesso che faccio? Ti strozzo? No, troppo violento e definitivo. Ti urlo in faccia? Sei troppo lontana, non sentiresti. Ti abbraccio forte forte? Adesso va meglio... e, anche se lo faccio virtualmente, cercherò di farti sentire tutta la forza della mia stretta!!!
Grande Franz, grande la colorazione, grandissima e strepitosissima la card... IT'S MINE!!!!!
xoxoxo Lalla... ma sempre Eulalia
Your card is just amazing as usual! I just love it. You are so creative.
Oh I just love your cards my dearest Franz! Everything is just amazing!
Big hugs, Anja
How clever of you to combine this image with the music note paper! I love music note papers and papers with old fashioned texts/ads...Brilliant colouring, as always!
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