Abbiamo una sfida tutta nuova al Deep Ocean Challenge Blog stasera|
We have a new challenge today at Deep Ocean Challenge Blog!
Il nostro tema per i prossimi quindici giorni è
Our theme for the next fortnight is
e abbiamo il nostro consueto e fantastico sponsor con noi
and we are joined by our lovely regular sponsors

Lifelong crafters Mother and Daughter, Mary and Andrea were tired of having to buy full rolls of ribbon and lace when they only needed one metre. Because they love ribbons and all things pretty, they decided to open their own online shop in 2010 and make small quantities of beautiful products easily available to all crafters. Mary owns the shop and runs it on a day to day basis as well as keeping the website updated while Andrea looks after the social side, The Ribbon Girl Blog and the Design Team. They specialise in supplying small (or large) quantities of ribbon, twine, gorgeous vintage style lace and seam binding ribbon, tiny pom-pom and ric-rac trim, all sorts of buttons, fancy pins, a multitude of charms, pearl and crystal flourishes, wool felt squares, seasonal and unusual embellishments, mulberry flowers, sticky tape and accessories to card makers, crafters, scrapbookers and cake decorators. They stock only the best quality products and only offer for sale goods that they would personally buy and use themselves

Lifelong crafters Mother and Daughter, Mary and Andrea were tired of having to buy full rolls of ribbon and lace when they only needed one metre. Because they love ribbons and all things pretty, they decided to open their own online shop in 2010 and make small quantities of beautiful products easily available to all crafters. Mary owns the shop and runs it on a day to day basis as well as keeping the website updated while Andrea looks after the social side, The Ribbon Girl Blog and the Design Team. They specialise in supplying small (or large) quantities of ribbon, twine, gorgeous vintage style lace and seam binding ribbon, tiny pom-pom and ric-rac trim, all sorts of buttons, fancy pins, a multitude of charms, pearl and crystal flourishes, wool felt squares, seasonal and unusual embellishments, mulberry flowers, sticky tape and accessories to card makers, crafters, scrapbookers and cake decorators. They stock only the best quality products and only offer for sale goods that they would personally buy and use themselves
con questo bellissimo premio :)
Ho scrappato ancora una volta e creato un Lo semplice semplice, i protagonisti sono i miei bimbi:
I created a layout again and the protagonists are my loved kids:
Stavamo andando al mare e ho pensato che non potevo perdere l'occasione di fare questa foto: Nicolò stava abbracciando Camilla ed è cosa che non accade molto spesso! Così ho pensato che dovevo catturare il momento! lol!
We were going to the beach and I thougth to take this photo: Nicolò was hugging Camilla and this not happen so often! So I had to capture the moment, lol!
Devo scappare ora, ma ho in programma tanti post questa settimana e in più una GRAAAANDE novità, non vedo l'ora! ;)
I have to go now, but I've lot of projects to post this week and a GRRRREEEAAT news too, I can't wait! ;)
Grazie mille per essere passati! Un abbraccio grande,
Thank you so much for stopping by, a big hug,
4 commenti :
Bellissimi i tuoi due tesori incorniciati da questo dolcissimo LO... non vedo l'ora di scoprire la Graaandeee novitá! ^_^
Vale ;)
Ooowwwww, how cute!!!
They are so cute!!! Love your design, clouds, hearts.
Allora Francy!!!! Adesso ci tieni con il fiato sospeso!! quando ci svelerai questa GRAAAANDE novità????
un abbraccio GRAAAANDE e a presto!
il trio Alessia-Moira-Emanuela
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